Guy Farmer Projects

YouTube Vlog Featuring Clive Omelet

I created my character Clive Omelet who has a YouTube vlog where he talks about his amazing life.

Here is one of my character Clive Omelet’s videos from his YouTube vlog about his house being haunted.

Here is another one of my character Clive Omelet’s videos from his YouTube vlog about a startling aquarium experience he endured.


If you’re looking for a vlogger to watch, you’re cordially invited to visit my character Clive Omelet on his YouTube vlog channel where he talks about his amazing life.

Here is a vlog video about my character, vlogger Clive Omelet, hearing a strange sound coming from a seashell.

Here is another vlog video by my character, vlogger Clive Omelet, about some trouble he encountered in an origami class.

Vlog YouTube Channel

Looking for a vlog YouTube channel? Check out my character Clive Omelet’s vlog videos.

Here is one of my character Clive Omelet’s vlog videos on his vlog YouTube channel about a perplexing pizza predicament he experienced.

Here is another vlog video by my character Clive Omelet on his vlog YouTube channel about a scary ghost town he visited.

YouTube Vlogger Clive Omelet

Check out my character, YouTube vlogger Clive Omelet, who talks about his amazing life on his YouTube vlog channel.

Here is a vlog video by my character, YouTube vlogger Clive Omelet, where he hears a strange seashell sound.

Here is another vlog video by my character, YouTube vlogger Clive Omelet, about a scary ghost town he visited.

Guy Farmer